Zeus Arc S Hub – Dry Herb Vaporizer
The Zeus Arc S Hub is a complete 3rd generation vaporizer set that offers all you need to begin vaping without the learning curve. Designed to work solely with the patented Zeus ArcPods for easy loading on the go, the patented Zeus Arc S brings the authentic flavor of a high performance and portable dry herb vaporizer like the Zeus Arc GTS, but at a more affordable cost. Bundled with a patent pending Zeus Xtruder and 15 ArcPods, the Zeus Arc S Hub combines the process of grinding and loading dry herb in a convenient all-in-one package that includes a tidy case for storage and a tray & tool combo for emptying ArcPods.
What’s Included:
- Zeus Arc S Hub
- USB Charging Cable
- Flow Sink Tool
Key Features:
- All-in-One Vaporizer Solution
- Works with ArcPods Only
- Xtruder Included
- Zeus Hub Included
- Built in ABV Tray
- 3500mAh Battery
- 3 Temperature Presets
- Haptic Feedback
Technical Specs
- Manufacturer: Zeus
- Battery: 3500mAh
- Battery Life: 90 Minutes
- Heat time: 80 Seconds
- Heating Style: Conduction
- Temperature: 205°C | 215°C | 225°C
- Warranty: 3 Years Manufacturer Warranty
- Materials: Stainless Steel, Zirconia Ceramic, Medical-grade Plastic, Medical-grade Silicone Rubber, Anodized Aluminum
- Generation: 3rd Generation
You should get the Zeus Arc S Hub if…
You want a high performance vaporizer without the hassle of having to learn the ins and outs of knowing how to grind, pack, and load dry herb perfectly. The Zeus Arc S Hub is designed to provide a consistent and high quality session each and every time, even for those who are using a vaporizer for the first time.
Getting to know the Zeus Arc S
The Zeus Arc S is a budget conscious vaporizer designed in Germany featuring direct compatibility with ArcPods. It is lightweight and portable, offering 90 minutes of battery life and impressive, high-quality vapor. It is designed as a 3rd generation vaporizer that can only be used with the all-new ArcPods, a single serve system that drastically minimizes the hassle that comes with grinding, packing, loading and cleaning your device.
All in One Hub
The nexus of your vaping experience with the Zeus Arc S, the Zeus Hub keeps the Zeus Xtruder, the ArcPods, and the Zeus Arc S securely in one place. The Zeus Hub also lets you open and unload your ArcPods with ease for easy storage of your already vaped bud. Featuring custom molded cutouts to hold everything in place when on the go, the Hub’s hard-shell construction keeps your beloved Zeus Arc S and it’s included accessories safe and tidy.
All About the ArcPods
Designed as the lower cost alternative to the Arc GTS, the Zeus Arc S is engineered only to work with ArcPods. ArcPods are directly loaded when connected to the tail end of the included Zeus Xtruder. The Xtruder automatically ejects the ArcPod once it is fully filled ensuring consistent dosing each and every session. Each ArcPod holds 0.3 grams of dry herb.
Each ArcPod is crafted out of durable and energy efficient aluminum to facilitate rapid transfer from the heating chamber to the dry herb inside making it simple to get the perfect roast on the go.
Xtruder Magic
In addition to achieving an optimal and consistent grind every time, the Zeus Xtruder is designed to work in unison with the ArcPods, directly loading and ejecting each ArcPod when the optimal amount of dry herb has been prepared and loaded.
Enhanced Vapor
The mouthpiece of the Zeus Arc S has been tweaked to ensure that minimal contact is made between the silicone rubber and internal vapor path. This results in an improved flavor profile over the older Zeus Arc and Arc GT.
Feature Packed
80 Second Heat-up
3 Default Temp Settings (205°C | 215°C | 225°C)
Firmware Upgradeable
Hard Anodized Aluminum Shell
Zeus Arc Pods – A Brief History & Explanation
Introducing 3rd Generation Vaporizers
Harm reduction has always been the main goal of vaporizers, along with the added benefits of saving 34% of your dry herb and minimizing odor. Which makes its accessibility all the more important for current
smokers to switch over to vaporizing.
- In 1996, the 1st generation of vaporizers were designed solely for home use, mostly due to power and battery limitations at that time.
- Around 2007, the 2nd generation of vaporizers made their way to the market. While these were a portable alternative to vaporizing, they lacked the performance of the 1st gen vaporizers.
- This is where the Zeus Arc S comes in. Designed as a 3rd generation vaporizer, the Zeus Arc S provides users with everything they need out of the box to start vaporizing with pods. This includes the vaporizer itself, pods for easy dosing, a grinder designed to load the pods, and the Hub designed to help unload pods and keep everything in one spot.
What is the ArcPod?
The patented Zeus ArcPod is a single serve and easy on-the-go solution that controls dosing for a perfectly consistent vaporization experience.
They can be easily filled and unloaded, featuring a white paper lid allowing you to know when a pod’s been used.
Getting to Know The Xtruder
The patent pending Xtruder is the most refined component in the entire Hub package.
It is designed to effortlessly grind your herbs into the pods and ejects them automatically when filled.
Getting to Know The Hub
The Hub is designed to house the Zeus Arc GTS and its accessories in one tidy spot.
The GTS Hub also acts as a base to load and empty your ArcPods. Featuring a tool that easily removes the lids and a tray to deposit your already vaped herb (AVB)
Last Updated on December 1, 2021 at 3:31pm