The Zeus Arc GT is a supercharged, light-weight dry herb vaporizer, providing unmatched vapor production with its unique gold chamber and gold vapor path. Engineered in Germany, the Zeus Arc GT is not lacking horsepower, hidden beneath the small chassis is an accelerometer, built-in multi-tool, three temperature cycles, USB charging and upgradeable firmware. The Zeus Arc measures 22.5mm x 42mm x 87mm and comes packed with a 3500mah battery for 90 minutes of battery life.
- Gold Heating Chamber
- Gold Heatsink
- 3500 mAh Battery
90 Minutes of Battery Life
80 second heat-up
3 temp settings (205°C | 215°C | 225°C)
- Conduction Heating
3-Years Warranty
- Built-in Multi-tool
- Haptic Feedback
MATERIALS: Gold Plating, Hardcoat Anodized Aluminum, UV Treated Silicone Mouthpiece
Included in the Box:
- Zeus Arc GT
- USB Charging Cable
- Glass spacer screen
- Zeus bristle cleaners
- Zeus grime sticks
- Zeus grime wipes