Honey Stick Elf Auto Draw Vaporizer
This port also conceals the oil cartridge for a stealthier experience, though a cleverly placed window reveals how much oil is left in the cartridge. Palm-sized and light as a feather, the Honey Stick Elf auto draw vape enables convenient on-the-go vaping. Its simple but stylish look comes in a variety of cheerful matte colors with a sleek, circular Elf decal as a stamp of authenticity.
The Honey Stick Elf is one of the teeniest oil vaporizers in the world, harnessing magical power in its pint-sized frame. While most oil vaporizers require temperature control, the Honey Stick Elf heats instantly with the pressure of your inhale. The buttonless on-demand heating system ensures a more rapid, seamless vaping experience. No more fiddling with controls. The Elf is ready to deliver at any moment. USB charging enables faster charges from your computer, car, AC outlet (with adapter) and more. Honey Stick Elf hones vaping down to the essentials to deliver a simple, sophisticated experience that meshes well with modern living.
At just over 3 inches, the Honey Stick Elf is barely noticeable in your pocket and completely concealed in your grip. The box mod design diverges from the usual pen-style so that the Elf hides entirely in your palm with just the small mouthpiece exposed. You can vape oil cartridges in a stealthy manner, rather than lug around a hunk of metal, and still enjoy miraculously smooth and potent rips. The build is constructed using lightweight but solid metal that withstands wear-and-tear while keeping a trim profile. Compatible with most standard 510-threaded oil cartridges, the Honey Stick Elf offers stealth, power, and ease-of-use on-the-go.
- 3″ Height
- Super Compact
- Magnetic Connection
- Liquid Level Window
- Compatible with 510-Thread Cartridges
- 3.7v Volt Battery